Haemoglobin Concentration 14.0 normal (12.5-16.5)
Haematocrit (PCV) 42.2 normal (37.0-49.0)
Red Cell Count 5.46 normal (4.25-5.90)
MCV 77.3 normal (80.0-100.0)
MCH 25.6 normal (27.0-33.0)
MCHC 33.2 normal (31.0-37.0)
RDW-CV 13.3 normal (11.5-15.0)
Platelet count 314 normal (150-450)
Total leucocyte count 6.2 normal (4.5-13.0)
Differential Leucocytic count:
Neutrophils 42% 2.60 Ref. Range (1.30-8.00)
Staff neutrophils 2% 0.12
Seg. Neutrophils 40% 2.48
Lymophocytes 46% 2.85 Ref. Range (1.20-5.80)
Monocytes 9% 0.56 Ref. Range (up to 1.00)
Eosinophils 3% 0.19 Ref. Range (up to 0.50)
Basophils 0% 0.00 Ref. Range (up to 0.10)
Comment: For age: RBCs show mild hypochromia and microcytosis
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كان ودي اساعدك بس والله مااعرف
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انا شايف التحاليل طبيعية ان شاء الله
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واذا قدرت اساعدك ان شاء الله ما بقصر
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