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الرئيسية » صورة علبة فيتامين الاخصاب الهام للتكبيرالبويضه .والاخصاب

صورة علبة فيتامين الاخصاب الهام للتكبيرالبويضه .والاخصاب

عشان مايكون فيه لخبطه في هالفيتامين نزلته لكم في صوره والروشته حقته…وتلاقوه بالصيدليات الكبيره…وفي ارمال…

Vitamin E is the premiere nutrient for checking and disarming health threatening free radicals.
Vitamin E protects vitamins (such as vitamins A and C) from oxidation. Vitamin E’s ability to protect cell membranes makes it valuable for people in polluted environments and those with active lifestyles, as physical exertion increases production of free radicals. Approximately 400 IU per day of vitamin E reduces exercise-induced free radical damage and helps with athletic performance.
Vitamin E is the premiere nutrient for checking and disarming health threatening free radicals. Most people by now have heard something about the dangers of free radicals, or oxidants as they are also called, and about antioxidants as protective agents. But for many, the subject of free radicals or oxidants remains unclear and mysterious and free radical control is often not appreciated. Thus commitment to the foundational role of vitamin E in health and longevity is often unwittingly missing.
This natural form of vitamin E has been extracted by cold pressing methods that do not damage the tocopherols. No chemical solvents are used. Natural source vitamin E, designated by the prefix D, (D-alpha-tocopherol) is almost twice as bioavailable as synthetic vitamin E, designated by the prefix DL (DL-alpha-tocopherol).



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